Vehicle dispatch optimization

Nextinfo inc used AI,big data and other advance technology to provide BTS network the new vehicle dispatch optimization solution.

 * improve routing planning, and reduce operational costs

* optimizes routing in cities

* combining planing, streaming video, sensor data, and analytics to achieve these improvement

 * our solution provide An Easier Road to the Future of Transportation/Delivery


New Version and Enhancement:

Our new planed version  employs Amazon Kinesis (Kinesis) to process petabytes of real-time video and sensor data, which is delivered to Amazon DynamoDB (DynamoDB). We will use ecs ec2 eks for compute services that support analytics, user experiences, and internal company processes. It also relies on AWS Lambda (Lambda) serverless compute to support interoperability among disparate services.

Benefits of AWS

  • Supports global, real-time data capture and rapid growth
  • Can support Processes 100,000 messages per device, per day, across thousands of devices
  • Enables security controls to be configured at the level of individual services
  • Supports rapid innovation through fast, easy deployment of development and test infrastructure
  • Empowers customers to access and use data through open APIs (open api swagger, graphgl)


smart device in vehicle

AWS IoT Core is a managed cloud service that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. AWS IoT Core can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS endpoints and to other devices reliably and securely. With AWS IoT Core, CanRideFlex can keep track of and communicate with all your devices, all the time, even when they aren’t connected.


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