IBM® OpenPages® Operational Risk Management automates the process of identifying, analyzing and managing operational risk and enables businesses to integrate risk data into a single environment. This integrated approach helps improve visibility into risk exposure, reduce loss and improve business performance.

OpenPages Operational Risk Management allows you to embed operational risk management practices into the corporate culture, making procedures more effective and efficient.


Nextinfo inc developed several really useful tools to dramatically reduce the cost on developing triggers, helper and event notifications. please check

GRC-Decipher is a group of GRC (Goverance, Risk, and Compliance) experts, providing tools, solutions and consulting service to every stage of integrating GRC initiatives across enterprise into IBM Openpages and beyond.

With our extensive  knowledge of GRC and years of successful project implementation experience, we design and implement solutions specific to your business, smarter and faster than your GRC product vendor does. Go to Products& Solutions to see what we excel with.


followings are the tools we developed



IBM Openpages Development Toolkit

A toolkit with all you need to develop and test triggers and helpers locally, stop the hassle deploying and testing code on OpenPages server while others are using it. Expedite development life cycle and multiply team productivity with one toolkit.

  1. no more restart of the server
  2.  debug the jsp and java code in your prefered IDE (support step in, step over,step out, breakpoints)
  3. developing trigger and helper become extreme easy and fast


Book an appointment with us and we will give you a real demo or installation.   email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.